My WA Journal- March/April


Researching my target audience. Joining Mom groups, reading responses to posts. They seem similar to me with slight differences. It starting to look like my focus is almost more for already stay at home moms (SAHM). Since that is my ulitmate goal for myself.

Researching some other Affiliate programs. Looked into Walmart, they take beginners. Also ClickBank seems to be a bigger program that has been around for a while. I am inspired by their intro video, but I don’t like how to drags on. Good to know, WA also promotes ClickBank under a list that I had found listing Affiliate programs to sign up for.


Wrote and posted a review on WA and this content I feel like I have been able to put more work into it since my confidence level is growing. Also, through WA, i was able to view that i have had one click on my website as of 3/5. YAY!! That is exciting. Fyi, thats with zero promotions.


1. My website has now had two clicks as of 3/22. It’s not a lot, but it;s progress!

2. I just posted a review on the Upside App! I strongly suggest it.

3. Yeah, there is a large gap in time due to life happening, but I am back!

And suddenly it is April 25th!

I gotta be honest here, I have done almost nothing between now and March 25th. I have been slacking, with many excuses that do not feel good enough. I will do better!!!! My ambition has returned full force and I have been talking to people I know. Promoting myself and my plans with

1. I created my Facebook group today calling Just Stay Mom. This link should bring you strait to it if you are interested in it. Really, the best way to get myself started is to promote to people I know, right? Family, friends, co-workers, and all those old friends/ slash acquaintances I have attained over my life just a click away on Facebook.

2. I didnt take more than 10 minutes and I already see new members on this page that I do not originally know, progress! Now i need to Make a plan, update it and keep it going.

3. I really need to get the ball rolling and start writing more reviews to post, So this will be my last update for April and will create a new one for May.

THANK YOU FOR READING!! Sincerely, NicolleK, admin,

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